A multi currency account designed for you

Cash Management account

Why choose a Cash Management account?

Our Cash Management account is designed specifically for finance centres by allowing you to manage multiple major currencies, hold cash balances, fixed term advances and deposits all in one account. With the added benefit of being operated within eQ, our bespoke electronic banking system, you can manage individual accounts, loans and payment tracking.

You can operate a Cash Management account in many different ways including:

  • As an interest bearing account
  • To manage fixed term deposits in Sterling and other currencies
  • To manage a loan, providing either single repayment fixed term advances or amortisation business term loan facilities
  • To make secure international payments in multiple currencies
  • Covers all major currencies, including Sterling, US dollar and Euro

What is the interest rate?

Euro credit interest rates are reducing from Monday, 24 March

Following the recent European Central Bank decision to reduce the Base Rate, the credit interest rate(s) on your euro account(s) are reducing. Further details are available on our information sheet.

Euro interest rate information sheet (PDF, 70 KB)

Can NatWest International change the interest rate?

Yes for Instant Access Deposits

The interest rate is variable and we will write to you to inform you of the change. The rate may increase or decrease for any of the reasons set out in Term 10.3 of the Non-Personal Terms to account for the Bank of England's base rate changes or changes in the rates paid by other banks. If the rates are going down we'll give you at least 60 days' notice. If they are going up, we'll inform you before the change or shortly afterwards. Term 10.3 of the Non-Personal Terms contain details of the notice we'll give you.

Not for Fixed Term Deposits

The rate agreed at the start of the term will not change during the course of the deposit, between the Fixed Term Deposit Start Date and the Fixed Term Deposit Maturity Date.

Common Questions

Ready to apply?

Before you apply, we've outlined the eligibility for the account below, along with our terms and conditions so you can make sure it's the right account for you.

You can apply for an account if you are:

  • aged 18+, and;
  • permanently resident in the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Gibraltar and;
  • your business is registered in the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Gibraltar.

Please review our important information

Our important documents give all the detail you need about our account(s). If you carry on applying, it means you're happy with what's in these documents. Please take some time to review, print and/or save the important information.

By proceeding with your application you also agree that you’ll receive your statements in a paperless format. We'll send you an email when your statements are ready to view in Online Banking.

How your information might be used

It's important for you to understand how we use and share your information. Please read this short summary before you continue with your application.

Contact us to apply

Existing business customer?

If you're an existing business customer please contact your Relationship Manager on their dedicated telephone number.

Alternatively, call into your local branch where we can put you in touch with your Relationship Manager.

New to NatWest International?

Jersey: 01534 282961

Guernsey: 01481 703845

Isle of Man: 01624 697741

Gibraltar: 00350 200 14400

Lines are open Monday to Tuesday 9:30am - 4:30pm, Wednesday 10:00am - 4:30pm and Thursday to Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm (except public holidays).

Calls may be recorded.