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Business Reserve
Instant access account
- Access your savings instantly.
- Make as many withdrawals as you need with no penalties.
- Earn interest daily and receive it on the last business day of every month.
- Minimum balance of £1 and a maximum balance of £2 million.
- Manage your account online or by telephone banking.
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Notice Deposit account
Fixed term savings
- Notice deposits earn daily interest that can be received on the last business day of each quarter.
- 35, 60 and 90 day notice terms available
- Minimum £25k deposit to open and maintain the account
- Maximum £250 million deposit per customer
Applicants must have a Cash Management account
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Cash Management account
A multi-currency account allows you to manage funds in major currencies
- Ideal for managing finances in multiple major currencies.
- Designed to optimise the liquidity and return on funds.
- Supported by our electronic banking service.
- Can earn interest, manage fixed deposit accounts with various terms, and manage a loan with the account.
Information Message
To apply you must be 18+ and resident in the Channel Islands, Gibraltar or the Isle of Man. Your business must be registered in the Channel Islands, Gibraltar or the Isle of Man.