Climate change is a hot topic and will have an impact on future generations. Young people have activists like Greta Thunberg paving the way to positive change but with so much to cover, it can be tricky to know where to start the conversation.

Knowledge is power
Start with the facts
Not sure how to explain climate change to your children? There are plenty of child friendly articles out there. We've also put together some tips and activities to help you chat about looking after the planet with your children.
Activities for young activists
Not only can you help them understand why being kind the planet is important but you can show them how it links to their every day lives. You may even find ways to save extra pennies for that piggy bank of theirs.
Talk food
Food shopping is a great way to talk about the environment. Whilst at home ask your kids to research what fruit and vegetables are in season. You could even dig out a recipe and make something seasonal for the family to enjoy.
Whilst at the shop, compare where items come from and what sort of carbon footprint they might have. It’s a great way for children to think about where their food is coming from
Water task
Living on an island its so important our children understand what a precious resource water is. Ask them to list all the ways your family use water; drinking it, brushing teeth, washing clothes.
Talk about the different ways we use it and the cost to the environment. Let them see why it’s important to turn the tap off when you're not using it and how that can save you money and reduce CO2 emissions.
Transport challenge
Ask your children to list all the different transport methods they can think of. Go through this list and ask them what the costs might be to our planet and why.
Then think about the transport your family use each week and, together, see if there is any way you could cut down your emissions.
Chat about recycling
Talk to your children about which products can be recycled and why it’s important to keep things out of landfill.
You could also research local ways to recycle things you don’t need and donate unwanted toys and clothes to charity.
Monitor energy use
Ask your children to think about the ways we use energy around the house.
Research what carbon emissions these products use and think about how you could make greener choices. Turning the TV off, drying outside instead of using the tumble dryer - these are small things you can do to improve your carbon footprint.