Helping you manage your money

Managing your money

Why should I spend time managing my money?

Taking the time to manage your money could really pay off. You could start by asking yourself:

  • Do I know how much money I have coming in each month?
  • Do I buy non-essentials items that I could manage without?
  • Do I have a savings plan?

If you can join the dots between savings and spending, you'll feel more in control of your money.

How do I get started?

If you don’t know what you’re spending each month, it could be difficult to save for the future. Create a budget to see how much you’re spending on non-essentials. This could be meals out, subscriptions or a daily drink from the local coffee shop.

What is your monthly income?

Before you start to think about budgeting, it's important to know how much you've got coming into your account each month.

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Work out your monthly budget

Get an idea of your monthly budget. This could help you make better decisions about how you manage your money and plan for your future.

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Consider how to save money

From reviewing your direct debits to cancelling the gym membership you don't use. There are lots of ways you could save money each month.

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Deciding whether to borrow money?

Most of us need to borrow money at some point during our lives. Choosing the right option can help you deal with unexpected expenses or larger one-off purchases.

Take time to understand your credit score before looking at the lending options we can offer.