Helping a vulnerable person with their financial affairs

Caring for a vulnerable person

What is a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney allows someone to appoint a person or organisation to manage their affairs. There are several types of Power of Attorney including:

Ordinary Power of Attorney

The Attorney can exercise the powers set out in the document for so long as:

  • the power of attorney continues in force (there may be an expiry date or it could be revoked by the grantor) and;
  • the grantor retains mental capacity, if they lose mental capacity then the powers granted under this are automatically revoked.

Lasting or Enduring Power of Attorney

Each of our jurisdictions have passed laws in recent years to allow these. These types of attorney may be able to be used before the individual loses capacity, however it depends on whether this power was granted. Importantly, the power will be effective after the grantor has lost mental capacity. 

In order to grant a Power of Attorney, it needs to be arranged while the grantor is still capable of making their own decisions. It also needs to be registered with us.

How to register a Power of Attorney with us

There are several different types of Power of Attorney and it's important you use the correct one for your circumstances.

To register a Power of Attorney with NatWest International, we require a Power of Attorney document that deals with the financial and property affairs of the customer.

NatWest International only accepts a Power of Attorney that has been registered in the jurisdiction where the bank account(s) are held.

Acceptable identification for registering

To register a Power of Attorney with us, make an appointment with any NatWest International branch and bring the following documents with you:

  • The original copy of the full Power of Attorney document or a copy certified by a lawyer
    Please be aware some Power of Attorney documents contain certificates which we will also need to view.
  • Two forms of identification for the person who will act on behalf of the customer
    We require one document to confirm your identity and one document to confirm your address from the following list:

Organisations that can offer support

Get in touch to request additional support

Do you need extra help with banking because of a disability, health condition or as your circumstances have changed? Are you worried that a vulnerable person might need further help from us or think that you or someone else might be the victim of financial abuse?

Our Support Specialists are here for you. They can offer:

  • Zoom video calls,
  • Home visits,
  • Face to face meetings, 
  • Telephone calls and; 
  • Email correspondence to make sure that your needs are met with us.